The OENOBIO Consortium is composed of 5 European Universities and two organizations specialised in organic viticulture and oenology. Each partner offers a diversity of expertise, and possesses specific teaching and research expertise in vine and wine production and as well as in organic production that are complementary:
- The University of Bordeaux specializes in vitiviniculture, economic and social environments, sustainable vitiviniculture, integrated production, regulation and impacts of biotechnologies, oenological practices and techniques, identification and analysis methods of vine, quality (aromas, phenolics) and safety of wine, nutrition and health, sensory analyses, environment protection, molecular biology.
- The University Rovira i Virgili has expertise in sustainable vitiviniculture, integrated production, regulation and impacts of biotechnologies, oenological practices, analysis methods of vine (phenolics, polysaccharides), quality of wine, sensory analysis.
- The University of Torino covers sustainable vitiviniculture, integrated production, biotechnologies, quality of wine, sensory analyses, table grapes production, pedology.
- The University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest specializes in horticulture, viti-viniculture, winemaking and fermentations, analyses, consumer behavior, food labelling and wine legislation.
- Hochschule Geisenheim University has expertise in agronomy, marketing and economy, general and organic viticulture, soil sciences and grapevine nutrition, phyto-medicine including pest management and prognoses models, engineering and sensor adaptation, oenological techniques and sensory assessment, wine and beverage analyses, microbiology and biochemistry, breeding and molecular biology.
- Vignerons Bio Nouvelle Aquitaine is key actor of the dissemination of the knowledge to the professionals and wine growers.
- Ecovin is well connected to the national and international organic agriculture industry and the wine industry.
The expertise of these two actors directly connected to the professionals will be a key asset in the construction of the teaching material.